dear my visitors and readers

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taking one step backward.

The captions of my instagram. August 2013 – august 2014

1.       Daerah itu. masa itu. rindu. <3 p="">
2.       nah nk tnjuk bsunnguhnye i...
3.       bukit mertajam.. pusing kot mana pun nampak jugak dia... xjemu tengok. time rasa nak kuat, akan cr dia zaman2 duk di langit ketiga asrama...
4.       sesuci fitrah. nama setakat ni Insyirah.
5.       Lebih 1000 je???? 6 hours more than 2000 kotttt!!!
6.       Ak ingat mesir... Rupanya tanah airkuuu
7.       Td jatuh dr bumbung ni kena dr almari pulak... Xtaula... ....
8.       Kes ni mmg x tutup eh?? Klau mcm tu kes kemanusiaan lg byk
9.       Nodia. Motorela. Samsong. Bolehhh
10.   .....
11.   APC. Congratz
12.   Olahraga memberds playing bola beracun. Budaks2 need to revise olahraga fun xtvts
13.   Gummorning princess!
14.   Lets sing
15.   rukun iman ada 6 perkara...
16.   ehh tecer ni.. tlg buat pulak..
17.   hmmm.. eksiden. Intrim. Posting...
18.   the boy in green...
19.   suka tgk dia nyanyi pg isnin!
20.   Yg ni pun smgt time nyanyi. Adam!
21.   Faris aiman! Kidal. Ok cute!
22.   "cikgu cikgu adik sy 4 org..." "cikgu minggu depan harijadi adik saya..." "cikgu nk tau lg satu tak... kt kdai kreta tu.... bla.. bla..." kidal jugak! comel!
23.   ngendap tcher instagram dlm keas ye... hahaha
24.   dak nemu jakuk aku . dik nme jakuk apa ( tslh nombor@syafiqahjawawi smlm skali org borneo....)
25.   nama saya Nur Insyirah. mak saya Siti Syazana. akhirnya saya balik selepas tiga malam dlm ward.
26.   masih kosong.....
27.   Normal. Yesterday. Morning. School. *yawn*
28.   Night market. Junjong.
29.   saturday. winding road.
30.   dah 7.15a.m. tahu la sabtu punnn
31.   org nk ambik gambar maluuu
32.   Ckgu kne oter haha
33.   Make up!
34.   Smgtt
35.   Prasekolah
36.   Persembahan xmau... Nyanyi blkg je lah... Budaks2
37.   nur hidayu. O:-) baby. fitrah.
38.   Twins. Xmau posing. Two days ago.
39.   Shahrul and Shahril. Xtau mana satu. Yg blkg sibuk tu nama Suffian.
40.   dictation x efektif. lecturer observe. final. nnt bersama2 pulakkkk.. tp tgk budak2 ni brusaha phm ak spkg terabur ni pun ckup buat aku thn sebak time ngajar... :-')
41.   mdm... mind ur spelling pls... XD
42.   Relief. Prasekolahhh
43.   Layu.
44.   My partner has two observations today...
45.   Brought the kids to buy flags.
46.   ...
47.   Night market. Puteri Gunong. Met a girl from 5C in SK Bandar Tasek Mutiara.
48.   pada suatu malam. [terpaksa crop sorang ni]
49.   it's raining. allahumma soyyibannaafi'an.
50.   my name is Nala. i love to disturb Sufi who's staying at my place for eight weeks. dia bru je tepuk kepala saya.
51.   Let's begin with the first wall.
52.   Dried.
53.   potpourri in the making.
54.   four. #R4BIA
55.   Thnks a lot mdm. I heart u. <3 2mins="" best="" better="" busy="" calls="" do="" final="" for="" i="" ll="" my="" one.="" p="" received="" s="" she="" that="" the="" too="" two="" within="">
56.   There's a hero lies in you!
57.   Walimatul urus at Omar Mee Kuah.
58.   Day 7 of the week at school.
59.   Final touch for the first wall
60.   Finished!!!
61.   Night market. Kilang lama, kulim.
62.   Fatin auni amanina. Susah senyum. Meghap.
63.   Adik2 angkat. Kiranya aku ada 11 org adik masuk angkat tak rasmi segala. Dik Mai and Fadhil Nor. :-)
64.   there's elderly couple. they have roses in front if their house. i love to take the flowers. intentionally to make potpourri. yesterday was the latest i took. 4 roses. this morning, 3a.m. the husband died who used to let me taking the roses. al-fatihah. :-(
65.   found this at school today. may Allah bless the granny. may Allah forgive him. may Allah give him peace. :-,(
66.   rainbow never fails to amaze human to say Subhanallah and smile.
67.   UPSR candidate
68.   kan ku petik bintang2... ku jadikan hadiah utkmu... moga Tuhan merahmatimu.
69.   arash's sentence.
70.   panjat verandah. hujan. rindu pulak rumah manis. <3 p="">
71.   History. Sedar diri. (knp hgpa duk jauh sangat... (~.~))
72.   Arash's. Mmg tcher ajar alquran pun.
73.   I wish i can climb and sit here. Enjoy the scenery.
74.   second wall.
75.   dari minggu pertama cikgu dan budak2 duk tanya, "dah kahwin ke?" it's wan not puan. adoiii...
76.   see. she's busy. thx mdm! <3 p="">
77.   maybe i am unlovable person. #improve
78.   from left: third elder sister, eighth lil bro, bro in law, mak buyung 2nd elder sis, cousin, ummi n ayah. squatting?? from left ahaha. mischievous muhammad youngest bro n younger bro ahmad the sixth. that day i saw status like annoyed for people sending off fmly mmbrs bringing everyone to terminal, looking at this picta, i think to send off someone means love. it's like nk tgk awk depan mata smpai awk hilang dr pndgn b4 kita jumpa lg.
79.   acting like her mother. Nana. Convent Ipoh student.
80.   "ambik jauh2 sikit... nnt mama nampak gemuk and shorter...."
81.   Ladies of june. My company.
82.   Terpaksa dibazirkan. Selepas dua potong kek manis dan berkrim habis.
83.   Eight days. Already. Al-fatihah. Will be leaving the granny. Huu...
84.   Two lesson plans are done. Tomorrow's.
85.   #testing #momentos
86.   The second and third wall... finished within two days. #yesterday
87.   Sawang... received #yesterday. Ahah. The other, received this morning. #kids
88.   Farewell. With special ceremony. Very creative kids. Lalala... even though their role play like trying to imitate me.... not used to receive such appreciation. They taught me to .... #kindness #kids #support
89.   Not good bye. But hope to see you again. :) #experience #memories #momentos
90.   Nk ckpnya dah 10 minggu tinggalkan bilik....
91.   Full moon tonight. Fii amanillah. #homecoming
92.   Morning kota bharu!
93.   Home. After two hours waiting for that boy from Kuantan.
94.   Morning baby! Aunty uda n papa zola are home!
95.   Groceries shopping. #brothers
96.   Uways. A nephew of amanians. :)
97.   Sunday morning at home.
98.   Pasar. Market. Porter.
99.   Babies!! Girls! First n third row: twins. Amirah n Umairah. 6months. 2nd row: a niece of #amanianz named 'Iffah. :D
100.                        Grab his left hand, then look at the camera. Snap! (It's been twice he couldnt send me off..) #heroesofme
101.                        I found this in my one of my notebooks i used during my secondary school time. I dun remember where i copied this from. But one thing am sure enough, this quote concludes everything for one of the worst event in this year. #relationship #life #theperia
102.                        #momentos #appreciation
103.                        ....
104.                        Family portrait.3 generations
105.                        Final. Remember school. Haha #momentos
106.                        Yeay!hahaha
107.                        We smell like fish. We love fish. We are not fishy. We try to avoid selfish. #improve #fish #momentos
108.                        I can't donate again. T.T HB.... #healing #kindness
109.                        Heart. #improve #healing #theperia
110.                        Time flies like butterfly. Butterfly lives a short life with lucky beauty. Clover is colloquial with luck. Dragonfly sounds brave. As brave as red. Red and white are great. White for purity and purifying. All hung at one chain. #perghhhh #appreciation #momentos #lurve
111.                        Netball. Look behind, that hill. Anywhere you go. Haha. #momentos
112.                        #theperia #life #healing #theyolk
113.                        Tourism. Heritage. History. #sunnatullah #fasiirufil-ardh
114.                        Tourism. Heritage. Towers. Monuments. History. Adelaide's sister-land. Multi-livinghood;cultures,religions, etc #sunnatullah #fasiirufil-ardh 49:13
115.                        Heritage. Tourism. #fasiirufil -ardh #momentos
116.                        Storytelling. 
117.                        Hanaa. #mushyloveydovey
118.                        #improve #healing #kindness # life
119.                        Petanque.
120.                        #improve #healing #aminquestions #mushyloveydovey #momentos #thegonepast
121.                        Haha. Harapan.. harapan menjadi layu... #improve #healing
122.                        Sweet. I Think the girl is his grand daughter. #mushyloveydovey
123.                        Cats. Can sleep. Can play. Anytime. But me. Am human. #improve #life
124.                        Alhamdulillah! #healing #life #theperia #improve
125.                        Kalau boring telefon saja saya... adeyyy! Haha. I will remember ur number bcoz only two numbers in urs are different from mine. #momentos #life #perghhh #thegonepast
126.                        Semua benda nak pulun. #life #improve #willbegonepast #perghhh
127.                        #FANELS13 #awesome #perghhh #momentos #mushyloveydovey #eyesbeautysleepless #life #thegonepast
128.                        Of cats again. And heaven yes. Ain't going back for 'eid. :) #perghhh #healing #life
129.                        Haha. Just knew how to screenshot. Lew. #life #jakunness #bungalambatkembang
130.                        #life #buddiezz #mushyloveydovey
131.                        #willbethegonepast #momentos #kindness #my'eid
132.                        #dayofarafah #breakfasting
133.                        #life #willbethegonepast #momentos #myeid #mushyloveydovey
134.                        The steps; May them paved towards jannah, May them filled with love, May them counted for Here and After, May them not be exhausted and stopped... Keep moving forward and once a while, take one step backward. #life #improve
135.                        Friday!
136.                        #academiclifeofme #fear #improve #thegonepast
137.                        "U surely got some smiles, huh?" The moment i heard this whisper, i was like, what's ur problem? Just now, someone shared an article about ladies and ajnabis (men who can be married to...) one of the point is smile. .... Ok. Too many trifles i have overlooked. Thanks. #improve #life #theyolk #mushyloveydovey
138.                        Raining. Not going anywhere. Just walk. Letting go. Hard. #life #improve #lonergoner
139.                        Gwen. Haha. K. #life #improve #aminquestions #kindness #relationship #thegonepast #theperia #thereadingme
140.                        Ninja assassin. "Your heart is special.." "What's out there?" "Life..." #kindness #life #mushylovedovey #diehardinjihadbeamujahidah
141.                        Matilahkauuuuu! Making noise around me. Spreading dirt around me. Flying to irritate me. Not going out of my 'cave'. Off you die! #perghh #life #wheresthekindness #annoyinginsects
142.                        Another insect was assassinated by me. Okey. This cockroach is not dead yet. /_._\ #annoyinginsects #perghh #wheresthekindness
143.                        Gonna keep this wall. #willbethegonepast #life #lonergoner #mushylovedovey #momentos #mycaveinthecampus
144.                        Kumpulan sedap performing nur syahadah. Bringing back the memories. In this exam cold season. May Allah bless. #life #momentos #thegonepast #theperia #missingamanianz #mushylovedovey
145.                        Kumpulan circle team performing destinasi cinta. Bringing back that emotion. Haha. #life #thegonepast #momentos #mushylovedovey
146.                        Kumpulan islife performing nur kasih. Seriously. This is not really contemporary. This is nostalgic!!! #life #thegonepast #momentos #mushylovedovey
147.                        Kumpulan mawar. Layar keinsafan. Turned to make audience laugh. Lyrics. Actions. #life #momentos #willbethegonepast #thegonepast #thisisfun
148.                        Azben: muhasabah cinta. Okey la. Accepted as contemporary. :-D #momentos #mushylovedovey #life #lonergoner
149.                        Last: kumpulan soft. Erti syukur. Real contemporary of music. But still.. nostalgic; the song. :') #mushylovedovey #life #momentos #thegonepast
150.                        #life #improve #mushylovedovey #theyolk #momentos
151.                        #life #improve #theyolk #thereadingme #diehardinjihadbeamujahidah #healing #mushylovedovey #readandthink
152.                        Regret. Aversion. Yet, lesson learnt. Keep your head up, next time. And yes, it's inevitable for me to avoid something that caused me to be that bad me. That bad evil me is not only hurting others, it hurts me too. Heh. Whatever it is, that bad me doesn't bring me closer to jannah. I want jannah. Heh. #life #theperia #theyolk #relationship #thegonepast #improve #diehardinjihadbeamujahidah #healing #kindness
153.                        Welcoming k.ila to our happy circle. <3 improve="" life="" momentos="" mushylovedovey="" myhepicircle="" p="" theyolk="">
154.                        #areyousure #life
155.                        #mynicknames #perghh #thisisfun
156.                        Putting some efforts. #improve #academiclife
157.                        #momentos #mushylovedovey #notgoodbye #life #relationship #readandthink #thereadingme
158.                        Baru tahu selama n makcikakak cleaner bersihkan jgk tngkap. (Third floor tak la kot? Haha) #kindness #life #mycaveinthecampus
159.                        White people say the more the merrier. #lonergoner #momentos #mushylovedovey
160.                        #perghh #momentos #therockiscookingwithluv #thisisfun #traditionalcuisines
161.                        Sleep with notes. #academiclifeofme #mycaveinthecampus #thereadingme #milktooth #academiclife #perghh
162.                        #life #improve #theyolk #thereadingme #readandthink #arraqaiq #mushyloveydovey #aminquestions
163.                        Morning sunshine! :-) #kenapakakakcleanerdatanghariahadmencurigakan #life #improve #aminquestions #perghh
164.                        Sempurna. #life #theyolk #improve #mylittlepencil #opick #bloghoping
165.                        Susah ada kakak gedik macam ni haaa... #macamgedikjemacamgedikje #laghooooo #heroesofme #barutaucarienglish :p
166.                        Finale. Cloudy morning. #life #moveon #amsick #aminquestions #improve
167.                        Guling guling. #cats
168.                        I won't give up on us... Kerana itu wasiat agung junjungan mulia s.a.w. Kita hanya perlukan senggang waktu diisi dengan tasbih tafakkur penyerahan kepada Sang Pencipta. #healing #improve #relationship #readandthink #theyolk #theperia #thereadingme
169.                        Dan kerana cinta langit yang didamba... Dambaan hati para pengimpi syurga. #lurvetoheaven #relationship #theyolk #improve
170.                        #thereadingme #relationship #readandthink #lurvetoheaven #theyolk #mushyloveydovey #improve #diehardinjihadbeamujahidah #buddiezz Seindah sejarah kisah inilah impian aku dalam membina perhubungan dengan kalian. Saksikanlah.
171.                        It's raining at beloved hometown. #homecoming #talkabouttheweather
172.                        Business? #aminquestions Kedai setingkat terbakar. Lepas tu bangunan sebelah naik..lepas tu tapak kedai terbakar jadi tempat parking. Bangunan tu jadi kedai baru!!!
173.                        Objective questions. T.T #oklupakan
174.                        Putu halba! #traditionalcuisines
175.                        Watching tv. Out of sudden, the third younger bro said, "look.. R***** M*****". Dang!!! #thisisfun #JK
176.                        Dangerous. Was climbing the double-deck bed. The third younger bro (again) said, "watch out. The fan above ur head". (×_×)'
177.                        Kenduri k.attiq. sebelah lelaki. Kahwin dgn org kelantan, insya Allah sampai. :D Jzkk k.hawa sbb ajak gi sesama. :) #nikahconnectingpeople
178.                        The second week of my longgg sem break. Initially returned home as the only lady in the house. Then the only daughter among four bros. Now, still the only daughter but with only two bros. When this happens, haa... u know to miss ur siblings. *sunyilarumahhhh* #life #mushyloveydovey #heroesofme
179.                        Sufiyyah. Suffiah. Sofiah. #amanianz #kohai #senpai #momentos #mushyloveydovey #life #QQi2013
180.                        #nikahconnectingpeople 
181.                        Was in UK. #ulukelantan #ukhuwahteraskegemilangan
182.                        The pic on top: wan maryam sofiyyah with wan sufiyyah. The pic below: wan sufiyyah with zarith sofiya and ain sofia. #QQi2013 #thisisfun #mushyloveydovey #momentos #kohai
183.                        Leadership course. Leaders in the school. Make history darlings! #kohai #amanianz #mushyloveydovey #gonnabethegonepast #senpai
184.                        Been searching for this since two years ago. Yesterday i was determined to ask for new cert from LPM since i'll be needing it in 2014. Went to JPN and post office. Even bought postal order. Last night, ummi was searching and gathering her certs for an interview, then, there it was. In a clear holder. Alhamdulillah. :) #life #momentos #certs #improve #experience #yesterday
185.                        'Akad nikah. My lil sister's classmate in college. #nikahconnectingpeople #life #thisisfun #relationship
186.                        Aribcliquers. Sila repost dia inappropriate. Yes. I did. Heh. *bertanduksketmalamni* #life #civilisation #educationinmareshia #annoyingattitude
187.                        Tonight's snacks. From thailand. #thisisfun #life #hehyouenjiarai
188.                        It's been quite a time. Need new plans. May Allah ease. #life #theyolk #thegonepast #momentos #improve
189.                        #relationship #amanianz #kohai #batch18 #theyolk #ukhuwahteraskegemilangan
190.                        #rayuannurani #shitaa #pray4syria #letsdonate #aqsasyarif #mll4s #winterappeal #ukhuwahteraskegemilangan #ummah
191.                        #winterappeal #pray4syria #ummah #ukhuwahteraskegemilangan #letsdonate #lurve #humanity #life #lunchboxfordeath
192.                        My first experience in debate. Hahah. Amateur. #life #experience #myadventure #thisisfun #thegonepast
193. At the end, i didn't attend the camp. What made this such sentimental to me was the date and the place. ^_^ if ain't mistaken i met u @ftnfth . :D #life #thegonepast #experience #relationship #thehoneychoc #mushyloveydovey #lurve #karisman #PTAK
194. #nikahconnectingpeople #mahligaimahabbah #aminquestions #thisisfun #thisistooearlyformekot #ukhuwahteraskegemilangan
195. Happy feet. They miss hiking. They miss jungle trekking. They miss walking. They miss running. They miss climbing. They miss to be soaked in wet socks and shoes. #life #momentos #inisemuapoyo #thisisfun #momentos
196. Teman bilik setahun setengah. #senpai #mushyloveydovey #momentos #aminquestions apa la agaknya harta pusaka tu... #life #comeandgo #lurve
197. Epik. Never know the existence of this epicta. Say-no-to-camera-age-for-me because I dunno how to smile. Gagaga. #thegonepast #momentos #thisisfun #amanianz #life #ukhuwahteraskegemilangan
198. Breakfast. Burpppppp! #thisisfun
199. This senior. I remember how she concerned about me. About our beloved school. I remember how she with love replied my childish emails. I remember how naughty she is. Haha. I owe her cendol; i promised her my treat. Knowing her residency in cairo was on fire, i only can make du'a. She's in exam phase now. All the best mitsui! Please return to Darul Na'im! #amanianz #senpai #momentos #life #healing #theperia #improve #experience
200. #statigram #shadawentz #momentos #jakunness #life
201. #life #lonergoner #esokkelas
202. Dear you.. the owner of this handwriting. May Allah bless you with His bountiful rahmah, barakah and maghfirah till jannah! All the best in ur life! ILY. And do missing you tree! *insteadoftoo. #momentos #amanianz #life #mushyloveydovey #relationship
203. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day one. I love myself.
204. My classmate. Xoxo
205. #30dayaffirmationchallenge Day 3: I am getting better everyday. :)
206. #30dayaffirmationchallenge Day 4: I am important. :']
207. #30dayaffirmationchallenge Day 5: i am successful in whatever i do. :-)
208. #30dayaffirmationchallenge Day 6: i am loved <3 p="">
209. #30dayaffirmationchallenge Day 7: i am strong.
210. #30dayaffirmationchallenge Day 8: i am hopeful. :)
211. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 9: i am making things happen
212. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 10: i persist with confidence B-)
213. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 11: i trust myself in making great decisions. To be here, is one of them. Thanks to them for never decide for me. Thanks to them for always give me hope with guidance and let me choose freely. To adhere, it's the final year. Ummi ayah, i need ur prayers till the end of my life.
214. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 12: i embrace fears fully and calmly
215. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 13: i am a wonderful person
216. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 14: i deeply love and accept myself.
217. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 15: i am able to solve problems creatively. No absurd problem found in this picta. … :D
218. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 16: i am vibrant and have lots of energy! Thisshowssymptomsofbeingnakbalikandnakbalik. X semangatnya final year! Soo not good.
219. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 17: i think like a winner. Semangatsketciksufiyyah!
220. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 18: i appreciate every moment of the day.
221. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 19: there is a solution to every problem. Thanks lala for mr. Potato. Thanks dr. Tarsame for Hersheys. And Hersheys reminds me of@ftnfth hue.
222. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 20: i feel the joy of abundance. Weee! Selfies of the year. Lol.
223. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 21: the universe provides for my every want and need.
224. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 22: i see endless opportunities before me.
225. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 23. #textcutie
226. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 24.
227. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 25: i radiate positive energy.
228. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 26: everything i do turns into success. Even falling asleep. Lol.
229. Cikgu. Ustazah. Teacher. Semua pun boleh. #momentos #life #teachingpractice
230. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 27. #textcutie
231. #nikahconnectingpeople Weddings of january and february. ^_^ #amanianz #apiumnp #apids #life #ukhuwahteraskegemilangan #mushyloveydovey
232. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 28: i see the bright side in all situation. That hill. From different point of view. And that building is where i live for five years and half. ^_^
233. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 29: i am in control of my life.
234. Katanya @nurulasma15 install la camera360. Haha. Pengantin cool. Layankan aje tetamu2 awal ni nak berposing2 berpuluh2 kali dari dalam bilik sampai ruang tamu. Dari akad nikah sampai persalinan kedua. ^_^" I was afraid to attend the wedding. Afraid of krik3 situations due to long time no see each other. But, no. The warmth was like the yesteryear. Ha-ha. I heart you alls! <3 and="" apids="" apiumnp="" arrived.="" farah="" he.="" liza="" momentos="" mushyloveydovey="" not="" p="" ukhuwahteraskegemilangan="" were="" yet="">
235. #30DayAffirmationChallenge Day 30: today, i will spread joy in random and beautiful ways. Finale.
236. #life #lonergoner Kemon la. ~_~
237. Nampak tak gambar sape lebih? :-P #life #momentos #teachingpractice
238. From left: amir muhammad, zaid, naqib and zikri. Year 3. The cutest is zaid. *giggle*
239. Rindu-rindukanlah diriku... Sepanjang hari-harimu.... :)) the six heads group. #life #momentos #mushyloveydovey
240. For you who's missing us. #heroesofme #bekadecasa #momentos #life #mushyloveydovey
241. Good morning.
242. Gather. Heaven. Blessings. Dream. #life #momentos #mushyloveydovey
243. Wanted. Tell her i am searchiNg for her ig account. Hahah. #amanianz #kohai #momentos
244. Mental age. Now am having extra than over worried. #life #teachingpractice
245. He said: enthusiasm is inside you. No one can do anything about. It's you who should do something. You can do better than this. Kungfu panda said: there's no secret ingredients. It's just you. Look at the mirror. It's the person appears when you're looking at it. #life #experience #myadventure
246. Go. Work. Wek!
247. The path that i've taken. The road not taken... #life #improve
248. Demi matahari dan cahayanya yang terang-benderang; Dan bulan apabila ia mengiringinya; Dan siang apabila ia memperlihatkannya dengan jelas nyata; Dan malam apabila ia menyelubunginya (dengan gelap- gelita), Demi langit dan Yang membinanya (dalam bentuk yang kuat kukuh - yang melambangkan kekuasaanNya); Serta bumi dan Yang menghamparkannya (untuk kemudahan makhluk-makhlukNya); Demi diri manusia dan Yang menyempurnakan kejadiannya (dengan kelengkapan yang sesuai dengan keadaannya); Serta mengilhamkannya (untuk mengenal) jalan yang membawanya kepada kejahatan, dan yang membawanya kepada bertaqwa; - (91:1-8)
249. Selamat pagi, love. #mushyloveydovey #facebook
250. Haven't used correction pen for few years. This year, i just have to buy them as suggested by my supervising lecturer. And that free gift will be given to any lucky boy or girl among the pupils tomorrow. :-D #improve #life #teachingpractice
251. I want a full stop. Can i?
252. How to ease the self after prayers.
253. Friday morning. #life #momentos #mushyloveydovey
254. You and i mayn't like rules. But, let's take a step backward. Rules; the what we return to when we want clarify or fight for our RIGHT. #life #improve #annoyingattitude
255. #life #theyolk #improve
256. Wake up teacher.
257. My handsome father. <3 heroesofme="" mushyloveydovey="" p="">
258. My happiness for today. Alhamdulillah. :D #homecoming
259. By @khalidahumaidah "Ok this explain everything." via@PhotoRepost_app
260. #myday #momentos #myadventure Humaira' Balqis. Cute. Haha. Can't shout my anger when i look at her. Too cute. :)
261. #textcutie #life #improve
262. #uncle #lee #kelantanese #chinese #firefly #PEN
263. Returned from school. Took a long nap. Dreamt of her. Yesterday was not enough. ~_~ She didn't smile coz she was rushing for her class and this middle-rebellious daughter of hers asked for a selfie pic with her. '_' #numberoneforme #life #mushyloveydovey #momentos
264. WHY DO I LIVE? WHY DO WE LIVE? Begin with the end in the mind. Credit: @shadawentz #life #improve #theyolk
265. Dare to be different. #life
266. Tanah gersang by salim a. Fillah. Terima kasih Allah, Kau hadirkan manusia yang baik untukku. Terima kasih Allah, Kau mengujiku ke atas diriku sendiri. Wahai Engkau Yang Maha Menguasai, Peliharalah aku dari segala sifat malas dan lemah. #life #improve #myadventure
267. Verily patience is beautiful and virtue. #photogrid #life #myadventure
268. Andai diberi peluang, inginku terbang tinggi di awanan. Kan ku petik bintang-bintang, ku jadikab hadiah untukmu, moga Tuhan merahmatimu, terima kasih guru~~ #life #kitesmomentbersamaGB
269. I want to be one of Parent-Teacher Association in the future. :3 #life
270. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Like wise, what comforts you kills you like a silencer. #life #katanyanakSYURGA
271. Cross-country practice. Day 1. "Teacher tak penat ke?" *apa jenis soalan tu* "Yes, am tired." But this is how i enjoy myself. Hurrah!!! #crosscountry #life #momentos #beinghealthy #myadventure #thisisfun
272. Right: 2nd day of cross-country practice. Question being asked by the pupils from my beginning till finishing line: "teacher org apa?" Me: org islam. Me: org melayu. Them: "asal teacher laaa..." Me: klate. Haha. #life #kids #thisisfun #momentos #experience
273. #PhotoGridVideo @PhotoGridOrg #testing #life #momentos #experience #kids #mushyloveydovey
274. #momentos #mushyloveydovey #thatday #amanianz #izzatamaliawedding tuan dia pun throwback hari ni. Hehe. @jeeha137 ce tgk ktorg posing kat mana hujung2 klip ni. :D #nikahconnectingpeople #ukhuwahteraskegemilangan #PhotoGridVideo #photogrid @photogridorg kita bagi flooding ig dgn video hr ni. #apakahhh
275. Kan dah kata nak flooding ig dgn vid hr ni. #photogrid #PhotoGridVideo #thegonepast #momentos #life@photogridorg Mari kita dengar sound video ni jadi ke tidak...
276. Spot chef kamarul's daughter if u can. #photogrid #PhotoGridVideo @photogridorg #yesterday #kids #momentos #floodingig
277. How to be a good companion. Not just to find one, what is more is to be the one. #life #lonergoner #improve #ukhuwahteraskegemilangan #relationship #mushyloveydovey #lurvetoheaven
278. Am done my APTIS! What is APTIS? Go ask my boyfriend named Google. #life #myadventure #APTIS
279. By @khalidahumaidah "😔" via @PhotoRepost_app 1. Pray until something happen. 2. Others are our mirrors. What they do unto us always reflecting what we do unto others. We just forgot. Thus, treat others like we wanted to be treated by them but don't treat them like they treated us the way we hate it be. Anyhow. Anywhere. Anyone. 3. Be fair. Though life isn't. We know Allah reveals everything on the Judgement Day. #life #myadventure #esq165 #relationship #readandthink #healing #homecoming
280. My usrahmate. Worrying about two observations on the coming Friday. #life #mushyloveydovey #theyolk #momentos
281. Allah, grant me someone who elevates my iman
282. Invitations. #nikahconnectingpeople #life #ukhuwahteraskegemilangan Cuti sekolah. Ada dikelantan. Insya Allah hadir. <3 p="">
283. Yeay!! #life #homecoming
284. Ini bunga. Bunga kerak nasi. Bunga yang bau dalam bunga rampai tu.. bunga ni la. Cikgu pra sekolah buat projek bunga rampai dua hr lepas. Hehe. Bunga. Jepun kata hana @hanaterah_husin . :-D jadi, ini penghargaan utk @hanaterah_husin . Geng butterworth di tahun akhir. ;) tqvm hana. Xde gamba sebenar. Metafora pun jadi. <3 allah="" bless="" may="" p="" us.="">
285. Sebelah kanan. 22 mac. 10 tahun lalu. Kenal tak? SYAHID ATAS KERUSI RODA lepas solat subuh kerana APACHE. Kita mau ending macam mana? ^_^" #life #improve #theyolk #katanyanakSYURGA
286. Ahah. Gaal pasir puteh-telipot-pasir pekan. Sedang iron baju: k.basimah izzati pngantin pasir puteh. Dtg awal sangat. Hee. Xsempat tgk baju lawaa. Pengantin Pegang baby: aisyah and suami, rafizi. Iptho+ipg ipoh. Ehe. Baby tu anak sedaranya ya. Baju biru: mimi PBS mate. Sk p.pekan. Saya pegang baby: baby sapa? Muhammad arif zafran namanya. Bin zailan wa mahirah. :D #amanianz #iptb #nikahconnectingpeople #ukhuwahteraskegemilangan #mushyloveydovey #lurvetoheaven #senpai
287. Kg. Padang gerap, meranti - kg. Cabang tiga, berangan Kanan: k.azie. majlis sebelah suaminya, asyraf a.k.a acap. Baru tau taufik agus tu adik ipar k.azie. lol. Kiri: azimah PBS mate S.k. kutan. :D teslian too. Lalala. #nikahconnectingpeople #ukhuwahteraskegemilangan #life #mushyloveydovey #iptb #senpai
288. Travelling with ummi for an event. Mother-daughter. Well. As a middle daughter from 5 daughters of 10 sibs, this kind of activity with mother is very precious. #life #momentos #mushyloveydovey #experience #improve #myadventure
289. The advantage of being an elder sister and a younger sister to a career woman. <3 another="" have="" hope="" i="" life="" mushyloveydovey="" myday="" next="" opportunity="" p="" sisters="" so="" thisisfun="" year.="" yeay="">
290. SMK(A)Lati #life #experience #kids
291. Last day home. 7 hours left. ~_~ #heroesofme #life #momentos #mushyloveydovey
292. "Selfie la ummi.." #numberoneforme #life #heroesofme #mushyloveydovey #yesterday #momentos #thegonepast
293. #PhotoGridVideo @PhotoGridOrg#ukhuwahteraskegemilangan
294. A success. #life #thisisfun #electronic #electric
295. That green object is a hook. It can't hold on to the wooden surface of the cupboard anymore, so it fell on the floor, just now.
296. Princess. Kohf3.
297. Beautiful morning without beautiful feelings. #padanmuka
298. Screenshot few days ago. #tere #liye
299. Kenapa monyet pink? Kenapa gajah purple? Mak aii.. gemoknya gajah dia...! Tu buaya apa? Buaya tembaga! Manusia diberi lidah tanpa tulang untuk berkata-kata. Lidah tu kurnia atau petaka, kita tentukan. Lidah tiada tulang. Tapi ada deria rasa.
300. \_/\___/\/\//\\\_......
301. Final year. Found this. #thisisfun #hibernating
302. BB1M. RM100. Another result of 100 at home. Heh-heh. Gonna let go some of these.
303. Presents.
304. Week 12. 5 days. See you in July. Insya Allah.
305. Ruhul istijabah. History.
306. The volunteer; for adventure. The proposal; for assist. The chemistry; in bleuss. The coincidence; the kitty key-chain. The brain; think easy. The decision; the road not taken. The person; thank you. God; all praises to You. ^_^
307. Selamat hari pekerja. :)
308. Meet Danial and Danish. Twin.
309. Wakey wakey bau syurga!
310. Inspiring. Medical doctor and a bird watcher. Kind uncle. Fell down in front of him. Haha. Embarrassing.
311. Happy revision week! ^_^
312. #pray4munirah @munirahhq kuciNg ni pesan: Rilek. Do'a banyok. Hihi. <3 p="">
313. 7 minggu lalu, balik, xde pagar. 2 minggu lalu, si bongsu ni posing dengan pagar. #dahsemuaadikberadikupdatepasalrumahkannnn
314. Ayah answered: semenanjung better. :3 #worldmappuzzle #future
315. "I never have confidence in teaching..." "Then what u're gonna be after this?" This picture popped out in my brain. ".. hmmm... social activist!" Both of us laughed it off.
316. Morning inspiration. Hi sunshine!
317. Yeah. After nearly one year.. continuing to read of Cat Stevens to Yusuf Islam. Happy revision week. *looking at edu3107 notes on the bed*
318. Nota penting: semakin baik persangkaannya, semakin baik perbuatannya. Happy revision week. (".)
319. Smiling reading these confessions. And so far, among 7 sibs passed school years, am the only child travelling through the path with MOE. ^_^ My answer? Wait till i officially became a teacher in a school for real. Thus, happy celebrating 16th may. :)
320. ^_^
321. Caving. Menggua. Cant open the door. Cant open the windows. Ada lelaki bekerja di luar. Tadi dah tido. Maka cuba la jugak duduk di meja. Mohon do'a pls. Esok final paper. ^_^
322. *snap*
323. #shadawentz #instagayawhothe_shada #jakunness
324. Fefeeling pwincess with my rakan sebaya bday on 25th Sept.
325. Iffah comel!!
326. It's a sudden act. Monkey: i feel safe with u! *hug the tiger tightly* Tiger: oh???! *feeling shocked and awkward*
327. Good morning. May the heart inside is bright as the smile. May the soul not rusting like the metal beside the smile. :']
328. Nur syahadah is performed. Aaa... nostalgiaaaaaaaa. :']
329. K.suaidah and a. Nabil. :)
330. Easy. Happy friday. :)
331. My physics teacher when i was in form five. Barakallahulakuma wa baraka 'alaikuma wa jama'a bainakuma fi khair mu'allimah and zauj. :) Ratu dan raja sehari mencemar duli.
332. Adik sepermainan dari kecik. Xpe dia dulu. Dia k.long. haha. Barakallahu lakuma wa baraka 'alaikuma wa jama'a bainakuma fi khair fatihah and zauj. :)
333. Yesterday's blind date. One of my long-term online buddies. She's in the important list for me to update my SPM result. Wahahaha. I'll miss my student's life. :3
334. My biology teacher when i was in form four. May Allah bless ur marriage muallimah hanani and husband! :) Each of us represent teacher, alumni of 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th batch of amanianz.
335. Meet Hannan. Syahiran's wife. Her husband was my classmate in standard six. ^_^
336. Returned from kenduri, ayah gave this. Looking at Libresse word made me smirk. Once the envelope torned, looking the thing inside, made me laugh. Haha. Ok. Thanks Libresse for remembering my birthdate and warm wishes. :) One kenduri is not attended. Too tired to go alone. ~.~ that communication disease in me. Lulz.
337. #soyesterday #iforgotmy24thbirthdayinhijricalendar #mydate #hahaha
338. #soyesterday
339. That man is not a celebrity. He's my senior's husband. Application to be the second wife requires somebody who wants to be bibik for the current wife. Peace!
340. I never know that u can get this by donating blood. I never know that u can get even a cert by donating blood. I never know that am that childish when Allah test me with some little pain. But, kindness really heals. And patience is too subjective to be defined; yet Allah promise rewards and paradise.
341. Heavy and cloudy and gloomy.
342. It's me photo in his hands. Instead of kissing the photo, he wanted to chew it!!
343. Ummi: kalu x luruh lagi? Aku: buat jugak bagi luruhhhh! Luruh tu jatuh ya anak-anak. Alhamdulillah. Sempat merasa sebelum balik sana. Yeay!!
344. Entah bila jumpa aunty lagi kan, Yuusuf? ^~^
345. New roommate named Syaima. Hope to see you tonight bfore i doze off. ^_^
346. Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum! Kullu 'am wa antum bikhair! :) #yummymissing
347. Ummi ayah x ada gene mamak pun. Tp anak dia yg no. 4 ni org blh pulak kata mamak klate? Semua tu kuasa Allah. Kesimpulannya. Hee.
348. With amax and che ah and dayah
349. Muhammad kecek dgn sapo tu? Owh. Record diri sediri kecek!!
350. It's friday already!
351. Finally!! He fell asleep in his most annoying aunty uda's hug!
352. Budak2 bendera palestin
353. Aunty uda <3 nik="" p="" papa="" terobekorangkata="" yusuf="">
354. Peace be upon u Monday!!
355. Lupa janji dengan semua orang tunggu ambik gambar. #ootd sket @by_rh and @bowsnroses
356. Peers; One of my smile resources.
357. Kawan adik saya @syahe3dekram :D #tghkalutclashdgnfamilyphotoshoot
358. G'day Sunday!
359. Keyword: effort
360. Yummy: That's not nice. Should just wear mafla. Promotion of Aqsa Syarif.. S@fiyy@h Rumm@n 🍪: Why not nice?  Yummy: No. 1 - bg la hari ni untuk malaysia No. 2 - kombinasi kaler tu ceria, lari tema 1Malaysia... kahkahkah No. 3 - jangan sampai kena label tak patriotik di bulan kemerdekaan ni No. 4 - mafla lebih efektif... orang nampak Aqsa Syarif... masa demo orang duk tanya mana nak dapat 😋 Credits with love  @adib2707 Shawl by @sufischa ke@bysufischa ntah? ^_^"
361. Video.
362. I like you sir!
363. Depan bangunan pentadbiran pun boleh! <3 p="">

five captions less than the actual number of posts. can't retrieve now. later. haha.

jaa ne. 

homecoming within 2 days! 

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