dear my visitors and readers

do read.
do learn something from this blog.
do comment for improvement.
hontouni arigatou! :)


تملي معاك

تملي معاك ولو حتى بعيد عني في قلب هواك
تملي معاك تملي فبالي وبقلبي ولا بنساك تملي وحشني لو حتى بكون وياك

تملي حبيبي بشتقلك تملي عيني بتندهلك ولو حولي تقل الكون بكون يا حبيبي محتجلك

تملي معاك معاك قلبي معاك روحي يا اغلى حبيب يا اغلى حبيب ومهما تكون بعيد عني لقلب برئ
يا عمري الجاي والحاضر يا اغلى نصيب

I'm always with you
Even if you are far from me your love is in my heart
I'm always with you always on my mind and in my heart
And I'll never forget you

I always miss you even if I am with you
I always long for you my darling
My eye always calls for you
And if the weight of the universe were upon me
I would still, my darling, need you
Always with you, my heart is with you, my soul is with you
Oh most precious darling oh most precious darling
No matter how far you are from me you are close to my heart
Oh my coming and present live oh most precious destiny

- عمرو دياب



half of February; sweet.

spelling February reminded me of my wrong spelling in the working paper. haha. what a bad secretary was i... (ok.. i haven't done the report!! -_-") 

for the first time, i arrived home on the same day with the last day of academic lecture. it was  Friday.

ayah said this before i off to Butterworth two days ago,

"my driver is going off..."

ehe. i updated my work at Facebook profile. haha. proud. of course. a daughter's pride. can i say that? :) or... maybe only-me-middle-daughter-syndrome. -_-" the most rebellious. krik3

i fetch ummi on the night i just arrived.
i drove ayah and ummi to two kenduris

the meaningful four days at home. <3 p="">
went to Seremban. for the first time. quite embarrassed to act like foreigners. hahaha. and the Nikon L23 made scenes. the battery's flat. -_-

and i don't know i was so excited to see a car with AqsaSyarif sticker? >.<

Junaid's and Ahmad's birthday have passed. haha.

happy belated birthday to both of them.


there're assignments to be done~

reports... okey.

bittaufiq wannajah everyone!

i love home.
i love room.
i  love me.
for don't send myself, nor go to doom.
strive, struggle and ask for heaven, instead. 


Random no. 6

In the name of Allah the most gracious, the most merciful.

39. numbers. i remember in the previous year, people were so amazed by the date 20122012. or 10/11/12. something like that. out of sudden, my thought came to that, those amazing number sequence actually happens in our daily lives. isn't it? where? the answer is, in TIME. ^_^ knock my head too. sure. bird flies, we can see. time flies, we don't see. please cough now. haha.

40. of being a secretary. yeah. i just really don't like to be secretary. but, life goes on. for more than once, i'd been a secretary. i just forgot that, i got that trait in my blood. yeah. dad is a secretary too, in a way. >.< i just found that, i really in tarbiyyah of being a secretary. huhu. i was so liberal... i think, after gave it into a deep thought.

41. Daurah Tullab. write down every event that happened in your life. especially those you found tarbawi value in it. >.<

42. YES4G. i'm in debt. T_T" i need to read the rules and regulations thoroughly and ask the centre about it. because i'm quite confuse with the how they calculate the bills for the post-paid package and for the prepaid package too. i will terminate the post-paid one. can't afford it. -_-"

43. i used to be asking for cards from people around me. normally, the cards meant to be birthday cards, congratulation cards or greeting cards, generally. but, nowadays, we ask for invitation cards! to be specific, wedding invitation cards. haha. am collecting as much as i can for this year. i've received one this year. the invitation cards do make me feel old. grown-ups. huhu. how can't i, when marriage is another indicator of being an adult? ^_^"

44. really want to update this blog and another blog. but, thinking of the length of time spent by me updating blogs, halted me to do so. since, i actually have other obligations need to be fulfilled.

Rabbuna yusahhil.

 45. currently reading Ar-raqaiq. ;') and finishing Jane Austen's popular piece Pride and Prejudice that bought two years ago. -_-" and also Harun Yahya's pieces bought two years ago three! >.<