dear my visitors and readers

do read.
do learn something from this blog.
do comment for improvement.
hontouni arigatou! :)


give and have.

i don't have money, i can't give you money.

i have dust, i only can give you dust.

thus, i can't give you a thing i don't own for myself even if i know about the thing.

sorry. this is really apologetic. not to you, but for you inside here.

it's already december.

Hai December, I heard you’re good in listing people’s dream for new year? - cik diah.

repeat. sorry, that i can't give things i don't have. sorry that i love you. sorry seems to be the hardest word. heh.


iqapika said...

ceh.. pelah bg habuk je.. meh org bg kuman.. haha

sufiyyah zulkifli said...

teacher iqa, kuman = bg penyakiT! ;p